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Quoting what IIT Delhi Global Internship Program FAQ;s Have to say:


  I am a student of the <>th semester, can I apply ?

Every student is (wrongly) advised by seniors to go for a internship at the earliest opportunity. Senior students often tell junior students (wrongly) that grades don’t count, and that projects are all that matter. They are wrong. Grades count – we look at your grades very carefully when we select you for the Internship.

The best time to go for a Internship is in the summer following Semester 6 + Semester 7 (nearly 9 months), or the whole of Semester 7 + winter + Semester 8 (almost a year). Without doing your discipline courses in Semesters 6 and 7, you could be very badly prepared for any internship.

Please try to follow the advice below when you choose your Internship period:

 If you are a student of Semester …. :  Advice 
 Semester 1,2,3
  1. Please do not come for this internship or ANY internship for that matter in Semester 1-3.
  2. Take your textbooks for the next semester and study the chapters.
  3. Try to solve the questions and read alternative textbooks in the area.
  4. Also, do NOT join C# / .ASP / .NET coaching classes – such courses only reduce your study time. An employer will probably hire a programmer for these skills and not a software engineer. 

    Confused ? The difference between a software engineer and a programmer is like the difference between a doctor and a compounder. Both can administer a injection, perhaps even equally well – but only the doctor would knowwhy the injection was necessary. Even if the compounder, due to long practice, gets to administer the injecton more deftly than the doctor, the doctor will still be the only of the two who knows why. The compounder would always know just how to administer the injection.

    If programming also interests you, buy a good book on the language you want to program in, download linux ( and learn it for free at home.

 Semester 4
  1. Please avoid coming for a Internship in Semester 4 unless there is something special you think you need to do. Special things could be going to Institute X because there is a Scientist X there who specialises in Algorithm Y, taking a course in a area not taught in your Institute next semester.
 Semester 5, 6
  1. Prepare for your Internship by doing all of the following:
    1. Read the latest journals in areas of interest every Friday – either in the library or on the net (see
    2. Read alternative text books
    3. Read IEEE / IEE Journals for recent papers – don’t bother if you don’t understand everything at first (30% understood is good enough). Keep reading.
    4. Form Special Interest Groups (SIGs), meet on a weekly basis and discuss topics
    5. Give (voluntarily) a Weekly Seminar on what you read – you could give this to your Special Interest Group
    6. Talk to your own Faculty / lab technicians for possible projects you could do – whether in lab-oriented or theoretical projects.
    7. Start identifying faculty in your institute or outside your Institute in the areas of interest. Write to them.
      Do NOT write emails indiscriminately to hundreds of people – it will backfire on you when you are found out.
    8. Attend conferences, talks and lectures in your city.
    9. Watch Discovery, CNN, National Geographic and Eklavya.
    10. Join a local library. Visit the local University library. Read fiction and non-fiction. Take Art classes. Take pottery classes. Learn to play a musical instrument.
    11. Watch lectures of the courses you are being taught on YouTube.
    12. Read the course material of the courses being taught to you on MIT’s Open courseware site or IIT’s NPTEL site.
    13. Apply for Internship in time
 Semester 7,8
  1. Try to do projects within your Institute. Accomodation is not a problem. People know you and your background and the chance of being handed a task you cannot execute is minimal.

    On the other hand, a Faculty Member in another Institute is very likely to assume that you have done something in your coursework which you have not done.  You avoid all the following when you do your project in your own Institute ! It is no joke – it cuts into work time and influences work moods significantly.Only when it is absolutely unavoidable, go outside your Institute to do a Internship. And if you do go to another Institute, give first priority to availability of accomodation on campus even if it is marginally more expensive. This saves time and you get to meet more people in your peer group, have longer working hours and tend to achieve much more in your Internship.

    1. Coming to a strange city or a strange country
    2. getting accomodation, or even having to adjust yourself into a relative’s home for six long months
    3. having constantly worried parents
    4. dealing with indifferent food
    5. going through long commutes
    6. suffering irregular mealtimes


Things I would like to add:

2 most inspiring and knowledgeable novel that will change your thinking:

Fountainhead By Ayn Rand

 Outliers – Malcolm Gladwell

For ones who are not not good at programming read “The C Programming Language (Ansi C Version) 2nd Edition” written by creator of C – Dennis Rotchie. It costs only Rs 146!!! Link

For 1st yearites the best option to get their 1st year concepts right by watching videos @ NPTEL’s & MIT 1st year course for EC & Comps students Link1 Link2

Videos of Basic 1st and 2nd sem subjects. Just watch them at 1.5x speed as you may feel them to be bit slow!!!

 Few good place to look for Internships online:,

+ List of Online Portal to see video lectures, projects, departmental magazines, some god father tech sites is provided in “Extra Edgy Things For All Engineers” Blog

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