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Personal Financial Knowledge

Personal financial knowledge has become an important aspect of an individual’s life. It involves having an understanding of one’s financial situation and making informed decisions about matters of money. A major aspect of personal financial knowledge is budgeting. This involves planning how to spend money and sticking to…

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Real Value or Just a Game of Valuation

Startups are a popular investment area for many venture capitalists and angel investors. However, the value of startups can be challenging to determine, and there is often a lot of speculation involved in valuing these companies. As a result, the question of whether the value of startups is…

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The US dollar (USD) and the Chinese renminbi are two of the world’s most widely used currencies. As the world’s two largest economies, the United States and China, […]

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Magic of FPGA

Project Catapult is the code name for a Microsoft Research (MSR) enterprise-level initiative transforming cloud computing. Project Catapult began in 2010 when Microsoft realized […]

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Challenges of 5G in India

Wireless communications has been around for more than a century and is changing continuously with various advancements. It all started with 1G in the 1980’s, which was based on analog technology that could only transmit voice traffic and was limited by network capacity. With the arrival of 2G…

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Ethics Of Data Science

With great power comes great responsibility. These are the words of Stan Lee author of the Spider-Man comic book series but where does data power arise from and what are the responsibilities for us as data scientists? First let’s talk about power. In May 2017 the Economist ran…

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Education means studying to obtain a more profound knowledge and understanding of various subjects to be applied to daily life. Education is not limited to just learning from books but can also be obtained through practical experiences outside of the classroom. The top reason why education is essential…

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