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PHASE II | IS on!!!

Final Schedule and Instructors Updated!

Final registrations date are Dec 10, 2019 and Dec 11, 2019. 

[Course kit charges and registrations applicable as per previous instructions]

Seats left at the start of PHASE II

3d modelling: 20
Blockchain: 20
Competitive : 20
Machine learning: 20
Small scale: 14


Cutting Edge Visionaries (CEV) is organizing a Winter School, from 12-17 Dec, under the pathbreaking initiative of Skill Development Program (SDP). The courses in this winter school will be taught by Highly Qualified students of N.I.T. SURAT in their respective fields. It is open to students from all departments of N.I.T. Surat as well as other colleges. There is no constraint on the current year of study.

Venue : SVNIT, Ichchanath, Athwa, SURAT – 395007.

CEV - Handout