Rahil Dalal

Civil Engineering guyRahil Dalal
– From Surat
– Pile and raft combined foundation
– sesmic retrofitting of building structures
– Avid reader
– Computer programming
– Solar energy technologies
Extra curricular activites:
– Photography
– Member of Rotract club of Surat Community
– Make static websites
– Statastics
– C language progamming
Ambition in life:
– Contribution to the world scientific community
Knowledge gaining:
– Worked at a construction site at vesu, Surat during summer months
in 2011.
– Went as a roatary ambassador to Germany for 21 days during the
year 2012.
Contact information:

Mobile number : +91-9662640260

E-mail work: rahil@cevgroup.org

E-mail work: rahildalal@gmail.com


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