
We invite all tech enthusiasts to join hands with us and be a part of TECH revolution by using this CEV Platform. CEV aims to relate curriculum with real life and provide a glimpse of future to all budding engineers. We hope that one day the subjects we read will lead help us transform from readers of the latest technology to creators of newer technologies. You can get involved in CEV Activities in the following ways:


  • Blog: We would request you all to be a part of this exciting journey by sharing your knowledge. Be it a theoretical concept you found useful or a practical application of some concept; some facts about a new invention or an established process that has proven its worth be it a personal entrepreneurial venture or information about tech companies that changed the face of the world. We at CEV would encourage you to blog about it all and share your knowledge so that we can develop as a family get together like minded people and last but not the least pass on our knowledge to our juniors.


  • Host CEV Talk: If you have something worth sharing, something techy or something exciting… then share it by hosting a CEV Talk. For hosting a CEV Talk fill up the form on Host CEV Talk page.


  • Projects: We invite all those who have done projects in their 1st/2nd/3rd/4th year to prepare a full documentation of their project with images and videos and

1)      Give your project a meaning by having all that you did in a structured format on the internet so that you can use it in future to showcase your work. As we all know… To publish one’s work is an achievement in itself!

2)      Share your work so that our coming juniors do not have to start from scratch but learn from our hard work and build on it.


If you have any questions write to us at or leave us a message on our Facebook group page: and we will get back to you!!


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