1. Facility to download IEEE Research Papers for no cost through SVNIT Local Area Network
IEEE is The World’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology. For us, it is a very good platform to read about all Research Papers written for all branches of Electrical & Electronics Engineers. But you need to be a member of that particular IEEE society to be able to download and read the paper. But!!! Our college provided us access to IEEE papers from our campus. So if you connect to IEEE website from our college LAN then you can access and download the papers!!!
So wait for what?? Read the latest research papers on various IEEE Societies mentioned on –http://www.ieee.org/membership_services/membership/societies/index.html
Link to IEEE Explore for seeing a Research Paper of your interest- http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp
2. Magazine and Journal Section in Central Library
Entering Central Library and on the second floor there is a Section for Magazines and journals for all branches which are the best way to stay in touch with the latest in technology. So go any explore your technical interest…..
3. Reference Section 2nd Floor Central Library
We have a whole section of the best reference books for 100s different topics of all branches in our Reference Section. Avail that facility to read them and get your fundamentals crystal clear
4. Digital Library – Store house of all well know Tech Journals ….
Go to svnit.ac.in -> Central Facility -> Central Library -> On Right Section Digital Library LINK
You need to login through our college LAN and then you can access various cool stuff like
E-Books –Springler E-books, Cambridge University Press E-Book …….
E-Journals – Science Direct, ACM Digital Library, Institute of Civil Engineering Journals, Engineering Science Data Unit Series etc..