- Leaf and Circle of life
- Live your life to the fullest at the early age just like leaf
- If you are a grown up, make your contribution to the society just like leaf
- Small but complex
- Why we worship leaves? They are generous.
- Provides food and energy to the world
- How leaves and humans are similar
- Both are unique in their own way
- Things to be learned from leaves
- We should respect everyone’s uniqueness.
- Like trees bind leaves together, we should live in symphony.
- How Tress and Human families are similar
- Unity is the principle of life, like trees only survives when there are leaves to feed it humans also should live with unity in order to make a better place to live.
- Adjust yourselves with the surroundings like leaves
- How can we relate evolution of human generations with evolution of leaves
- Leaves fall apart, decompose and help the next generation to grow. Similarly, in all the other species parents sacrifice themselves to make a better future of their children. Nature is somehow behave uniformly everywhere.
Minutes of Leaf

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