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CEV Orientation Talk 3.0

Reading Time: < 1 minute


In a our college, every student chapters organize the first program in which they inform the fresher’s about their student chapter and the activities done by them throughout the year. Similarly the Orientation program of Cutting Edge Visionaries (CEV) was organized on 3rd September 2015.

In this Orientation program, students were given information about the college, life at college, facilities provided by the college, proper methods of utilizing the provided facilities, how can they be productive in the spare time etc. They were provided with various information, from which projects they can do to which TV shows and movies they should watch. All the information was provided to them.

The main aim of the program was to make the students productive, get involved in creative activities whether it may be technical or non technical. The sole idea of CEV is that people learn something new, something different and share that with the people in the future.

All those who were not able to attend, may contact your friends those who attended and take the given handouts.11990516_530428363792221_3896568911624246332_n

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