Supplement Study Material for 1st and 2nd year Civil Students

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As you guys must already have read about what is civil engineering and what are the various branches of it in my earlier blog, so now in this blog, I will be enlightening you about some extra supplementary materials that would help you in understanding the subject pretty well and also, will augment your interest in various branches of civil engineering.

One of the finest source of knowledge is MIT -Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Open Course Ware is. Just visit:

When you scroll down on this page, you will find various subjects that are listed. Just click on the one that you are interested in and then, click on “View course” button. Now on this page, just click on the syllabus tab and you will find some information about what this subject does. Also, lower side on the page, they have mentioned a recommended book. You can go to our library and issue the book and read and understand the concept of the topic.

Also various other tabs are there which are dedicated to the different topics of a particular subject. In that you will find video lectures (just like our NPTEL videos) and/or some notes regarding the topic. Also, you will find a link to download their assignments and also the solutions of those assignments. 

Some good subjects that you should do from that website are:

Advanced Soil Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics II
Structural Engineering Design
Solid Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics I ( Really a good one.)
Computing and Data Analysis for Environmental Applications (For Maths-3)
Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving (Common for our computer course in 1st as well as 2nd year but, it is in JAVA. So, ok for knowledge but, not so good for us if you are going to fully rely on it).


Some other subjects are also good which are listed & come in our syllabus in the 3rd and final year (e.g. Concrete, project management etc.). 

Also, you can do some online courses about different subjects. Some Online courses are:

You can always go to websites such as and for online courses on any subject and learn any subject that you want.


Some civil engineering related associations:

There are various associations related to the field of civil engineering. Some of them are mentioned below:

Also, there is a civil engineering society running in our college for civil engineering students. Most of you must be already knowing about it. Its website is: I understand that the website is a bit dated but still gives you an idea about it.

Also, you guys must know that one of our senior: Jinal Doshi who is currently in university of Southern California, USA has a blog on Structural Engineering which you should definitely view:

Just subscribe the blog and remain updated.

And few other interesting blogs are:


This is not the exhaustive list. It is just a small amount of material. Just share this with your friends & if you get any such blogs than keep it as a comment on this blog and share knowledge.

There are also, some shows about civil engineering which you may like and so watch them instead of movies. You will definitely learn something:

  • Big, Bigger, Biggest national geographic
  • Mega Structures Discovery Channel
  • Richard Hammond’s documentary season 2.

You can view these shows from the popular video sharing websites such as or you can search and download them from the file sharing portals such as torrents.

I hope that this blog is useful for you guys and girls out there and will help in increasing your knowledge and understanding about this subject.


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