A talk which was a special one in itself, as the current team-members desire to take the initiative of their seniors to great heights, this talk marks the beginning of that significant journey.
CEV organised an orientation for the freshers on 5th OCTOBER, 2018 at Production Seminar Hall.
The orientation was intended to give an outlining idea to all the first yearites on how to start their life in college, many landmarks were set for them by the speakers.
The speakers had really worked passionately to get the best for their dear juniors.
The icebreaker was the head of CEV Master Rushi Bhatt, 3rd year, ECE, started with words of greetings and congratulations for the JEE-MAIN crackers. He in a very decent way answered all the WHYs, WHATs, HOWs, WHENs, WHEREs regarding CEV in crisp way.
Then came Apurva Randeria with his views in detail on history of CEV and what the organisation want do in future.

Then came Ajay Rachuri with the ways in which CEV claims to serve his users, how the member can taper the great sources of SVNIT, through CEV.
Then came Dileep Reddy with his views on importance of personality development in this modern era, and how CEV can help them do develop effective ways of communication through regular GDs, blogs and talks.

Then came Sudhanshu Sinh who told the public about direct benefits from the organisation, the industrial trips. CEV having a great alumni working at its core, they arrange for these industrial trips.
Then came Darshit Patel came up with delight words and a light talk with audience to make them cheerful.

Finally the treasurer of CEV Deep Jariwala with stunning experience at CEV, he discussed about how CEV had helped him to get his startup start in third year of engineering.

In the end after audience dispersed our head displayed love and respect for our mentors Chandan Suthar and Abhishek Tiwari, and gave a talk to CEV team to make there spirit high, followed by a group photoshoot.

Hence, the orientation for the academic year 2018 was successfully completed.