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Developing Your Own Chat Box

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this modern  world of internet , reaching to your loved one is just a click away.In the olden days what took least two days to convey  your message takes now just two sec.. So is there something  special about this electronic postmaster..?? Yeah  it’s speed  is almost close to light , it has its own organized codes and at last it saves paper thereby is eco friendly!!!!

You must be wondering there must be a web of codes  in chat application , but surprisingly it’s is not that complicated. With a just few line of codes you can dive in your own chat room.

To make you believe that let me take a example for you , I use a PYTHON language to make a simple chat room.

Python is similar  to  other languages that we use , but with some ups and down!! This is a sample code for your first chat server

*Import socket //  header file

*a=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, // socket.SOCK_STREAM)

*a.bind(“” ,8000) // bind the socket to all IP use  port 8000

*a.listen(2) //allow 2 user at a time

*(Client ,(ip ,port))=a.accept() // ready to chat and return ip and port no. of connected message

*client.send(“hi”)  // sending message

The above 6 line of code can make a simple chat server. AF_INET and SOCK_STREAM are the protocol which internet uses. Google some of these things to  have in depth knowledge. After “accept” command it will wait for the machine to connect. For connection – open your terminal window and type  netcat  “ip address of the machine” 8000. It will get connected!!!


If you have a doubt leave comment and next time let’s see you in your own chat room .. See you there 😛  

Water Light Graffiti

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Witness a wall made of white LEDs lights up when water falls on it. Water can interact and light up the LEDs in so many ways like spraying or painting. Check out the video for a quick demo.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Speech processing is the study of speech signal and analysis of speech signal using ‘TIME DOMAIN’ and ‘FREQUENCY DOMAIN’ analysis parameter.


Time domain often requires simple calculation and interpretation. Among the relevant features found readily in temporal analysis are waveform statics, power and fundamental frequency (Fo).


Time domain analysis is found necessary when a signal has constant frequency over the time span of our analysis.


Frequency domain analysis we find out the spectral properties of signal .Spectrum analysis provides us the mechanism of most useful parameter of speech signal like bandwidth, spectral energy, formant frequency (Formants are the distinguishing or meaningful frequency components of human speech and of singing) etc.


Frequency domain is necessary when we want to filtering operation on speech signal .It is also crucial when fixed bend allocation to any system is needed.


1.) Voice recognition:-

It has two parts :-a) Speech recognition b)Speaker recognition

a.) Speech recognition:-

“Determine what is being said”. In computer science speech recognition is the translation of spoken word in text.

b.) Speaker recognition:-

“Determine who is speaking”. Speaker recognition is the identification of the person who is speaking by characteristics of their voice biometrics.



2.) Speech coding:-

Speech coding is an application of data compression of digital audio signal containing speech .Speech coding uses speech specific estimation using audio signal processing technique to model speech signal combined with data compression algorithm to represent resulting modeled parameters in a compact bit stream.


3.) Voice analysis:-

Voice analysis is the study of speech sound for purpose other than linguistic content such as in speech recognition, such study includes medical analysis of the voice.

4.) Speech synthesis:-

Speech synthesis is the artificial production of human voice. A computer system used for this is called speech synthesizer.

5.) Speech enhancement:-

Speech enhancement aims to improve speech quality using various algorithms. The objective of enhancement is improvement in speech and overall perceptual quality of degraded signal using audio signal processing.

6.) Speaker diarization:-

Speaker diarisation (or diarization) is the process of partitioning an input audio stream into homogeneous segments according to the speaker identity. It can enhance the readability of an automatic speech transcription by structuring the audio stream into speaker turns and, when used together with speaker recognition systems, by providing the speaker’s true identity.

It is used to answer the question “who spoke when?” Speaker diarisation is a combination of speaker segmentation and speaker clustering. The first aims at finding speaker change points in an audio stream. The second aims at grouping together speech segments on the basis of speaker characteristics.


Optimization in Computer Algorithms

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In simple words, an algorithm is a step-by-step procedure of doing a given task. The goal of an algorithm is to perform that task in an efficient manner so that the consumption of resources is minimum.

In context of computer engineering, the resources are time and memory. So, the goal of a computer algorithm is to perform the task as quickly as possible and using as less memory as possible. Usually, there is a trade-off between these two resources(memory and time); as in today’s era we have abundance of space, we mainly focus on reducing the time consumed while developing a computer algorithm.

After the designing process is completed, a computer algorithm is the implemented in a computer programming language such a C/C++, Java, Python etc.

To demonstrate how choosing a computer algorithm intelligently may affect the outcome of program/software lets see an example problem. The problem is : We have an integer array called ‘nums’ which has n integers (As array indexing in C/C++ starts with 0, the first integer will be stored at nums[0] and the last on will be stored at nums[n-1]). Next, we are given a number, and we have to tell if that number is present in the array or not. And, we are given MANY such queries ( that is, we need to check the presence of many numbers in the array).

One very simple approach that comes in mind is that, for each query, start searching the array from the beginning and keep searching until, either the integer required is found or the end of array is encountered (i.e. the integer is not found). In the form of C code, the implementation of this algorithm will look something like this:

/*let the integer that we need to find be ‘tofind’*/

int i=0;

  printf(“Number not found”);
  printf(“Number found”);

This approach is called LINEAR SEARCH and is very straight-forward and easy to understand and implement. But an obvious drawback of this approach is that we exhaustively search the entire array for each query. This is not a most efficient way of doing this task. Lets analyze this algorithm from real world perspective. In most softwares we deal with a large amount of data. So, if there are 10^5 array integers and 10^5 queries, that would mean that the body of the while loop is executed 10^10 times. Now, for a standard 4GB RAM, 2.5 GHz machine, 10^8 iterations take about 1-2 second, 10^9 iterations take about 10 seconds and 10^10 iterations is bound to take a lot of time. Time that we cannot afford to lose!

Now, let’s study an alternate approach. This approach is called ‘Binary Search’ and is used widely for this kind of problems.

The first step of this algorithm is to sort the array. At first look, it may seem that sorting itself will consume a lot of time and will contribute to overhead. But, remember that we have to run MANY queries on the array. This means that sorting once will give advantage for EACH of the many queries. So, ultimately the overhead contributed by sorting is much MUCH less than the advantage it gives.

Now, when we start searching, the required integer can be present anywhere in the sorted array. We take a look at the middle integer. If this middle integer is greater that our target integer, then we can say that our target integer is obviously present somewhere in the first half of the array (this is because the array is sorted). And if the middle integer is less than our target integer, then our target integer is present somewhere in the second half of the array.

The potential space ( i.e. the space where the required integer can be present) is, therefore, reduced to half.

We repeat this process until the size of the potential space becomes 1. And if we still have not yet found the integer, we can conclude that it is not present in the array.

In form of C code, this algorithm will look something like:

int start=0, end=n-1, mid;
int foundflag=0;
  if(nums[mid]==tofind) // if the middle element is the required number, then search terminates
  else if(nums[mid]>tofind)
    end=mid-1; // restrict search to first half
  else if(nums[mid]<tofind)
    start=mid+1; // restrict search to second half
  printf(“Number found”);
  printf(“Number not found”);



This algorithm halves the potential space in every iteration. So, it takes a maximum of log2(n) iterations to complete the search of one element, as opposed to n iterations per search of the previous algorithm.

During the CEV Talk, I demonstrated the effects of this algorithm on the execution time. I took some sample arrays and sample queries, and I ran both algorithms on the test data. The first approach took over 1 minute in completing the queries, whereas the second approach took less than 0.5 second. The effects were clearly visible!

Note that if there is only a few number of queries, then the overhead produced by sorting will be greater than the advantage it gives. So, BINARY SEARCH is desirable only when there are a lot of queries. Otherwise, simple LINEAR SEARCH would work fine.

Teardown of Washing Machine

Reading Time: 3 minutes




  • Motor & counterweight
  • Cable –pulley support system
  • Vibration damping system
  • Plumbing system
  • Clutch & coupling
  • Drive mechanism
  • Control system



Motor & Counterweight

  • The concrete is used to balance the equally heavy electric motor, which drives a very heavy gearbox that is attached to the steel inner tub.





Cable –pulley support system

  • There are a total of three pulleys, so that if one side of the frame moves up, the other side moves down. This system supports the weight of the heavy components, letting them move in such a way as not to shake the entire machine.




Vibration damping system

  • In each of the four corners of the machine is a mechanism that works a little like a disc brake. The part attached to the washer frame is a spring. It squeezes two pads against the metal plate that is attached to the black frame.




Plumbing system
It comprises of the following parts:

  • Solenoid valve
  • Anti-siphon device
  • Water inlet & overflow port
  • Pump vanes






Clutch & Coupling

  • The coupling is needed because the motor and clutch are mounted to the frame, which can move freely with the inner tub, whereas the pump is mounted to the stationary outer tub.





Drive mechanism

  • The drive mechanism on a washing machine has two jobs:

To agitate the clothes, moving them back and forth inside the wash tub.

To spin the entire wash tub, forcing the water out.





Control & Coordination


  • Water level control switch
  • Temperature control switch
  • Speed control switch
  • Cycle switch



Front Loading Machines


  • This layout mounts the inner basket and outer tub horizontally, and loading is through a door at the front of the machine.
  • Front-loaders control water usage through the surface tension of water, and the capillary wicking action this creates in the fabric weave.
  • Front-loading washers are mechanically simple compared to top-loaders, with the main motor (usually a universal motor) normally being connected to the drum via a grooved pulley belt and large pulley wheel, without the need for a gearbox, clutch or crank.





  • Clothing can be packed more tightly in a front loader, up to the full drum volume if using a cottons wash cycle.
  • Front-loading washers are mechanically simple compared to top-loaders.





  • Extreme overloading of front-loading washers pushes fabrics towards the small gap between the loading door and the front of the wash basket, potentially resulting in fabrics lost between the basket and outer tub, and in severe cases, tearing of clothing and jamming the motion of the basket.



Top Loading

  • This design places the clothes in a vertically mounted perforated basket that is contained within a water-retaining tub, with a finned water-pumping agitator in the center of the bottom.
  • In most top-loading washers, if the motor spins in one direction, the gearbox drives the agitator; if the motor spins the other way, the gearbox locks the agitator and spins the basket and agitator together. Similarly if the pump motor rotates one way it recirculates the sudsy water; in the other direction it pumps water from the machine during the spin cycle of the basket.





  • The top-loader’s spin cycle between washing and rinsing allows an extremely simple fabric softener dispenser, which operates passively through centrifugal force and gravity.
  •  Another advantage to the top loading design is the reliance on gravity to contain the water, rather than potentially trouble-prone or short-lived front door seals.
  • Top loaders may require less periodic maintenance since there is no need to clean a door seal or bellows, although a plastic tub may still require a periodic “maintenance wash” cycle.





  • Clothing should not be packed tightly into a top-loading washer. Although wet cloth usually fits into a smaller space than dry cloth, a dense wad of cloth can restrict water circulation, resulting in poor soap distribution and incomplete rinsing.
  • Extremely overloaded top-loading washers can either jam the motion of the agitator, overloading or damaging the motor or gearbox, or tearing fabrics.



Li-Fi an alternative to Wi-Fi !

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hey Guys!

I’m sure many of you know this…..but still just to give u a glimpse..

Have you ever wonder why should we deal with such low speed of internet ..well u just don’t have to worry about it in next few years! I see the future of technology alternative to WiFi. Oops!…and it is Light Fidelity.

Harald Haas – A professor of engineering at Edinburgh University is the pioneer behind a new type of light bulb that can communicate as well as illuminate – access the Internet using light instead of radio waves.

Haas Quote: “Everywhere in a day there is light. Look around. Everywhere. Look at your smart phone. It has a flashlight, an LED flashlight. These are potential sources for high-speed data transmission.”

The system, which he’s calling D-Light, uses a mathematical trick called OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing), which allows it to vary the intensity of the LED’s output at a very fast rate, invisible to the human eye (for the eye, the bulb would simply be on and providing light). The signal can be picked up by simple receivers. As of now, Haas is reporting data rates of up to 10 MBit/s per second (faster than a typical broadband connection), and 100 MBit/s by the end of this year and possibly up to 1 GB in the future.

He says: “It should be so cheap that it’s everywhere. Using the visible light spectrum, which comes for free, you can piggy-back existing wireless services on the back of lighting equipment.”

Herald Scotland “As well as revolutionizing internet reception, it would put an end to the potentially harmful electromagnetic pollution emitted by wireless internet routers and has raised the prospect of ubiquitous wireless access, transmitted through streetlights.”

Watch this link :

Keep getting motivated and feel free to share your knowledge …stay connected!

Magical Screen- Augmented Reality

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Magical Screen- Augmented Reality

Imagine you’re a New York Yankee stuff walking down the famous Manhattan. You flash your smart phone’s camera towards the road and you come to know which metro substation is beneath and which is the next  metro train you can catch up to meet your loved ones.. Again you come across a hoarding which has Chines stuff written over it.. You again flash your camera over it and boom.. the English letters are revealed out the Chinese text..

It is night time and you’re looking at the bright moon and the pattern of stars makes you curious.. You flash your camera and find the virtual lines connecting the stars and telling you the constellations.

Folks wake up .. I ain’t telling you that your camera has a magic wand..!! It is Augmented Reality..

Yes .. Augmented Reality is nothing but adding a virtual screen on top of everything in order to make it more meaningful. It combines 2 words to deal with, “augmented” means enhanced and “reality”, which simply means enhanced reality. By using hardwares or tools such as your smartphones you can discover such beneficial details in the form of visual images that are not visible normally.

Augmented reality adopts new ways to add information discoveries to the reality in limitless possibilities from fun, games, sports and education to technology in engineering and medicine and more.It adds the graphics, sounds, feedback and smell to the natural world we see, thereby making it more alive. Thereby creating such a grand spectrum, let the field environment variables speak for your lively experience.


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ACROSS AIR APP                                                                  CAR FINDER APP




Thus there are apps to facilitate augmented reality. Across Air App  is a 3D navigator telling you restaurants, hotels,cinema,landmarks etc.near you and Augmented Car Finder App helps to find your car in a big parking place..

Go grab them to make your world more speaking to you!

These are available on your android platform .. And what more, these are for free.. !!

Creating your own ANIMATIONS

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you ever dreamt how Optimus Prime from TRANSFORMERS look so realistic , how the animation of PIXAR  is  so  pragmatic ?

Why these HOLLYWOOD people manage to produce such a high quality graphics for their work? Is there something magical with them, perhaps yes, they have with them the best team of computer artistic with their powerful software.

AUTODESK 3DS MAX is one of the software which is widely used in film industries. It is one of the most powerful tools which could transform your creative ideas into your movie screen and animations. Even if you are not a good programmer you can smoothly start with 3ds max to run you creative ideas.

To start with 3ds max you have to create a basic  3d structure for your  object , this process is known as MODELING , there are various (plane box) modeling technique provided by  3DS  to convert  your simple 2D image into 3D model . For this you need to have top view, side view, front view of the model (I know its scaring 1st Yr Engg. Drawing again .. phew..!!)

After creating your basic 3D structure, you apply  rigging to your object , which means to define  your object movements and  prepare your object for animation and finally apply animation to it. There are many steps involved in this process before you get you final output which involves adding UV to your object, rendering your scenes ,enveloping your geometry, inverse  kinetics   and there are much more to explore as you become familiar with 3DS MAX.

There are various tools and technique available in 3DS MAX which provide you the above process. When you start using 3DS MAX you will explore more about  tools and technique

The software itself costs around $3800/yr. But not to worry!!! Where there is will there is a way!!! AUTODESK STUDENT provides free software  to students with 3 year license.

And Digital Tutors is one of the best place to learn make stunning movies, games…

Log on to for more info

So just go download your 3DS MAX, start watching the tutorials & let you imagination come out into your’s  laptop screens.





Extra Edgy Things For All Engineers

Reading Time: 3 minutes
World Class Education Websites :- 



3.) (watch at 1.5 x speed )


Internship and Workshop : Companies


1.) I3 Indiya

2.) Wegilant( Speacilized in Cyber Security)

3.) Robosapiens

4.) Technophilia

5.) Thinkware (Good for Matlab)

6.) Thinklabs

7.) Waayoo



10.) Has Course on F1 Car Design and Development)


To-Do Projects :-


Electronics Engineering

1.) SMPS

2.) POV


4.) FM Receiver

5.) Line Follower

6.) Temperature Controlled Fan

7.) Phone Jammer

8.) 555 Timer Projects

9.) Raspberry Pi


Mechanical Engineering

1.) Robotic Arm

2.) RC Plane

3.) Hovercraft

4.) Wall Climbing Robot

5.) Rope Climbing Robot

6.) Pole Climbing Robot


8.) Hydraulic Lift Arm



1.) Batteries: Batteries of Your Own, like

  • Galvanic Cell
  • Zinc Air Battery
  • Al Air Battery
  • Al CU Battery

2.) Propulsion System: Car using

  • Vinegar+ Baking Soda
  • Decomposition of H2O2

3.) Search On MFC-Microbial Fuel Cell

4.) Research Alternate Source of Energy like Jatropha Seeds




 (continue on right column…..)

Electrical Engineering

1.) Power Generation from Moving Vehicles

2.) Power Theft Protection

3.) Booster Circuit

4.) Inverter Circuit


Civil Engineering

1.) Cardboard Model Building

2.) Designing On Softwares

3) Some Famous Civil Engineering Projects – Bridges, Tunnels and Dams


Computer Engineering

1.)Read: A Complete Reference to Java by Herbert Schildt

2.) Make Applets

3.) Android App Development

4.) Game Development

5.) AI-Artificial Intelligence: – Course on edX

6.) Read HTML: – HTML-5 for Web Development

7.) PHP

8.) Hacking

9.) Android- Learn to Root, Flash

10.) Google about Crack Paid Software using Decompiler and Disassembler!!!

11) Read  “C Programming Language” written by the creator of C – Dennis Ritchie



Extra-Edge Software



1.) Revit

2.) AutoCad


Computer Engineering

1.) Android App Development-IDE:-Eclipse

2.) Game Development Softwares

3.) Hacking-Backtrack OS


Chemical Engineering

1.) Aspen

2.) Super Pro Designer

3.) Open Foam

4.) Chemsketch


Mechanical Engineering

1.) Autodesk- AutoCad

2.)  Inventor

3.) Pro-e

4.) Google Sketch-Up


Electrical Engineering

1.) E-tap

2.) Matlab

3.) LabView


5.) Simulink

6.) Lapack-Numerical Linear Algebra



1.) MultiSim

2.) Proteus: Ckt and AVR MCU Simulation

3.) Eagle: PCB Designing

4.) Matlab: Mother of all things-

       Image Processing,Computer Vision,Control System Simulation, Digital Signal Processing

5.) NI’s LabView



1.) ECE  – EFY

2.) Mech- Top Gear, Overdrive, AutoCar

3.) Chem- Chemical Engineering, World,Chemical Industry Digest

4.) Comps- Digit, Chip

5.) Electrical- Industrial Automation (IED Communications),IET(generation transmission and distribution)


Tech Fests

Even Semester

1.) IIT Bombay -Techfest Jan first week

2.) IIT Madras -Shaastra   Jan first week

3.) IIT Kharagpur -Kshitij Feb first week

4.) NIT Trichi-Pragyan-Feb End

5.) IIT Kanpur -TechKriti   March Mid

6.)BITS Pilani -Apogee   March Mid

7.) IIIT Hyderabad -Felicity

8.) IIT Roorkee -Cognizance


Odd Sem

1.) NIT Surathkal-Engineer – October End

2.) NIT Warangal-Technozion-   September End


God Father Sites


1.)’s Site-More of general Science)




5.) (The best according to me)







Electrical Engineering






Mechanical Engineering





 (Continue on right column ……)

Computer Engineering




4.) Java Applets-








Sites to buy robotics stuff

In India:







World best online robotics store:

1.) Jameco

2.) Solarbotics

3.) Digi-key




1.) Gravity

2.) October Sky

3.) Iron Man-1, 2, 3

4.) Wall-E

5.) Batman

6.) G I Joe-1, 2

7.) Transformers-1, 2, 3

8.) The Social Network

9.) Avatar

10.) Real Steel

11.) Pirates of Silicon Valley

12.) Blade Runner

13.) 2002: A Space Odyssey



Discovery, Discovery Science, Discovery Turbo

1.) How Tech Works

2.) Dark matters

3.) Extreme Engineering

4.) Deconstructed


History TV

1.) Modern Marvels


NatGeo TV

1.) Big, Bigger, Biggest

2.) MegaStructures

3.) MegaFactories

4.) I Didn’t Know That

5.) Ultimate Factories

6.) Mega Factories



CEV - Handout